Criminal Girls is a Japanese role-playing game and the first game in the Criminal Girls series. The player takes the role of a warden in hell who has been assigned to a group of fe...
Return to the depths of Hell, and guide a brand-new group of Delinquents through the Reformation Program. This time around, there's a twist. One of the girls in your group of seven...
Criminal Girls 2 is an upcoming Japanese role-playing game. It is described as a girl punishing RPG by its publisher. The player is given the role of a warden in hell and is put in...
Criminal Girls 10th anniversary game. Low-end VR support, mobile setups, is planned with a possibility for PS4/Windows VR when the game is released internationally.
Criminal Girls: Invite Only a Japanese role-playing game and the enhanced version of the original Criminal Girls game. The game follows a group of girls in Hell who have to climb a...