The Nohara family has decided to spend their summer vacation in Kumamoto. A week of life begins in the small town of Asso. Surrounded by abundant nature, you can catch rare insects...
Crayon Shin-Chan: Ora no Gokigen Collection is the fifth and final of five Crayon Shin-Chan games for the Game Boy, there is no platforming action in this game, but rather a number...
Action platformer released by Bandai for the Super Famicom in 1994 based on the scatological anime Crayon Shin-chan.
An action game featuring Crayon Shin-chan that was released for the Super Famicom and Mega Drive.
Crayon Shin-chan: Strongest Family in Kasukabe Wii King is a videogame developed and published for the Nintendo Wii based upon the manga and anime series Crayon Shin-chan.
A multiplayer action game featuring Shin-chan attempting to splash his clones with water.
Crayon Shin-Chan 4: Ora no Itazura Dai Henshin is an Action game, developed by TOSE and published by Bandai, which was released in Japan in 1994.
Shin-chan’s pet dog Shiro will be the key character in this game, as it will lead its master to ride a mysterious train that stops in a steampunk-themed coal mine town. The game wi...