Set on a distant planet named Bazoik, the game follows the Chex Warrior, a humanoid in an anthropomorphic piece of Chex cereal armor, as he fights to eradicate the Flemoid invasion...
Chex Quest 3 is the newest edition to Chex Quest, a series of comedic sci-fi shooter games. It contains slightly updated versions of the maps from Chex Quest and Chex Quest 2, in a...
Chex Quest HD is a modern, multiplayer remake of the classic FPS advergame of the same name. Play as one of 6 unlockable members of Chex Mix Squadron in single-player or split-scre...
The Chex Warrior returns to his home planet and lands in Chex City only to discover that the Flemoid threat has reached his homeworld. Grabbing his zorcher, he races to the rescue...