The first episode of Bakushou Mondai no Totsugeki Star Pirates. Bakushou Mondai's Assault of the StarPirates is a game released exclusively for the Satellaview (Super Famicom add-...
Wario no Mori: Bakushou Version is a Downloadable game for the Satellaview. The game is a pseudo-sequel to the earlier-broadcast Wario's Woods and Wario no Mori Futatabi featuring...
Wario no Mori: Event Ban Ver. 2 is a Puzzle game, published by Nintendo, which was released in Japan in 1995.
Bakushou Mondai's Assault of the StarPirates is a game released exclusively for the Satellaview (Super Famicom add-on) in Japan. It featured a duo of famous japanese comedians call...