Journey through the planet Aries to the beautiful City of Radactian - and save it from the evil Janken the Great. This game was considered to be Sega's attempt on Super Mario.
As young Alex, your job is to go through an obstacle course and get to the main exit without other competitors trying to push you off your bike. You start out in Blackwood Forest,...
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars features Alex Kidd and Stella searching for the twelve Zodiac signs.
The whole Kidd family is upset! Alex’s father, King Thor, is missing, and they suspect he has been kidnapped by Ashra, the mean ruler of the planet Paperock. Alex speeds to Paperoc...
Sega Genesis Collection features over 30 titles including, Altered Beast, Sonic The Hedgehog, Shinobi III, Phantasy Star, and the original Sega Genesis version of Golden Axe. Sega...
The compilation features 48 Sega games (49 counting two versions of Altered Beast) which were previously released for the Mega Drive/Genesis (including most of the Sonic the Hedgeh...
Легендарный Алекс Кидд возвращается с Алексом Киддом в Miracle World DX! С момента его первого появления в 1986 году с Алексом Киддом в фильме Мир чудес. Культовый Алекс Кидд возвр...
Life isn't always easy for the Crown Prince of Radactian. When the High-Tech World arcade opened up, someone in your castle tore the map into eight pieces! But it's such a cool arc...
Классический аркадный платформер возвращается в Sega в возрасте Алекса Кидда для Nintendo Switch. Спустя более трех десятилетий с момента своего скромного основания Алекс Кидд вер...
After ten thousand years, the once banished Dark Ninja returns to make another attempt to take over the Miracle World. Someone's definitely got to stop him! Guess who dares to meet...
The Blaze Entertainment version of the Arcade Portable handheld, manufactured by AtGames. In this version, Sonic Spinball was added in place of Ristar.
The Blaze version changes Ristar for Sonic the Hedgehog: Spinball.
The 80 Games version only includes 40 Mega Drive/Genesis games, however it also has 40 AtGames developed games to bring the total up to the stated 80.
Freetron's FunPlay 20-in-1, is a Plug and Play game console released in 2009, licensed by Atgames (who exclusively manages Sega's first party platform game library), and manufactur...
The Arcade Blast is a Sega Mega Drive console-on-a-chip created by AtGames. The unit is shaped like a Mega Drive controller and has 12 built-in Mega Drive games.