This is a simple 2D action game featuring Rabiane, a Sister sent by the Church to exorcise monsters in a cursed land. The game is centered on themes of masochistic tendencies, yea...
Demonophobia is a Guro Survival Horror game where the emphasis is primarily on horror rather than survival. The game is about a 14-year-old Japanese schoolgirl, Sakuri Kunikai. Af...
Seduce your classmates while the world around you crumbles! Resist temptation while attempting sanity! Go to prom and become a decadent slave to your desires! Confront mortality an...
This is a short horror game with some elements of exhibition The focus is on a horror-like atmosphere, so there are no jump scares. The game has multiple endings.
My Lovely Wife delves into the depths of a man’s grief after the sudden death of his beloved wife. Explore the notions of one’s willingness to do anything for love and the importan...