Sea Hero Quest (2016)
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Sea Hero Quest (2016)

Sea Hero Quest is a mobile game which contributes to research on dementia. It was designed by British game company Glitchers in 2016 in association with Alzheimer's Research UK, University College London and the University of East Anglia and with funding from Deutsche Telekom. The idea for the game came from neuroscientist Michael Hornberger of the University of East Anglia who collaborated with Hugo Spiers of University College London and a group of six other neuroscientist. The way in which p... развернуть


Sea Hero Quest explores the story of a father and son who have spent years exploring the seas and sketching memories into a journal. When the aging father accidentally drops the sketchbook into the sea, the son sets out to rebuild the journal and help his father remember the vibrant years they shared.


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Даты выхода

Android 04.05.2016
iOS 04.05.2016



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