Samus Goes to the Fridge to Get a Glass of Milk II (2020)
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Samus Goes to the Fridge to Get a Glass of Milk II (2020)

Дата выхода: 19 июля 2020
Жанры Вид сбоку, Платформер, Экшен
Платформы Game Boy

Last time on Samus Goes to the Fridge to Get a Glass of Milk… She fulfilled Adam’s deed, picking up the milk carton lying in the fridge. However, after gunning down the Omega Metroid, she looked around, finding no exit before the subzero temperatures knocked her out cold (pun somewhat intended). When she woke up, she found herself in her regular power suit, in a different area of the station. While she was all there in one piece, there was one problem–the milk wasn’t! And Samus knew better than... развернуть

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Game Boy 19.07.2020



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