6.2 Saint Seiya: The Sanctuary (2005)
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Saint Seiya: The Sanctuary (2005)

Дата выхода: 30 июля 2005
Жанры Файтинг / Драки
Платформы PS2

Based on the popular anime series of the same name Saint Seiya: Chapter Sanctuary brings the legendary conflict between the Knights of Athena and the Knights of Ares home to the PlayStation 2. Battling over the Golden Cloth of Sagittarius, more than 20 different fighters square off against one another across several different modes including those of the Story, Versus, and Practice variety. As an added bonus, several of the show's most memorable moments have been recreated using the latest in CG... развернуть

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Даты выхода

PlayStation 2 30.07.2005



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