7.2 Ristar (1995)
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Ristar (1995)

Ristar is a platform game developed and published by Sega for the Sega Genesis in 1995. A Sega Game Gear game, of the same name and genre, Ristar, was also released, which shared similar themes while possessing different level design and gameplay mechanics. The game stars an anthropomorphic cartoon star who uses his hands and long, stretchable arms to both move and combat enemies. Reception for the game has been generally positive, but the game's initial release was overshadowed due to the immin... развернуть


Much like other games from the same timeframe, such as Gunstar Heroes, the game's story varied between the Japanese language release and its English language counterpart. In all versions of the game, the events take place in the Valdi System, where an evil space pirate, Kaiser Greedy, has used mind control to make the planets' leaders obey him.

In the Japanese version, the inhabitants of Planet Neer (Flora in the English-language version) pray for a hero before Greedy's mind control minion, Rhio, snatches the planet elder. The desperate prayers reach the nebula of the Star Goddess, Oruto. She awakens one of her children, Ristar, with the sole purpose of granting the wishes of the innocent people. He must stop Greedy and the brainwashed leaders of each world in the galaxy to restore peace to the galaxy.

In the English-language version, Oruto is omitted altogether. Instead, Ristar has a father figure, the Legendary Hero, who is a shooting star that protects the... развернуть


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Даты выхода

Android 09.08.2017
iOS 09.08.2017
Linux 13.09.2010
PC (Microsoft Windows) 13.09.2010
Mac 13.09.2010
Wii 02.12.2006
Sega Mega Drive / Genesis 31.12.1995


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