7.5 Red Comrades Save the Galaxy (1998)
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Red Comrades Save the Galaxy (1998)

Дата выхода: 1998
Жанры Вид сбоку, Приключения, Комедия
Платформы PC

Red Comrades Save the Galaxy is a 1998 point-and-click graphic adventure game developed by S.K.I.F. and published by Buka Entertainment. Also, the first installment in the eponymous series.


Long time ago in galaxy far away... A huge spaceship, the size of a planet was heading through the Solar System with millions of alien colonists on board. Something went wrong, and all of the sudden the alien spaceship lost control. It is yet unknown what caused the crash. However, thanks to this accident the Earth has obtained its very own satellite - the Moon. Most of the aliens died in a crash and just a bunch of them, placed in suspended animation, survived.

With no one to reanimate them, these poor creatures were doomed to the eternal sleep though. It was a shot from a Russian navy cruiser Aurora main gun that signaled the beginning of the October Revolution of 1917. Drunken sailors missed the Tsar's Winter Palace and hit the Moon instead. This shot deactivated alien sleeping machines and awakened the rest of their crew. A short while after remaining aliens realized that there was only one hope for them to survive - invade Earth.

While preparing the invas... развернуть

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Даты выхода

PC (Microsoft Windows) 31.12.1998



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