Rayman Garden Plus (2021)
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Rayman Garden Plus (2021)

Rayman Garden +
Дата выхода: 05 июня 2021
Жанры Головоломка / Квест, Аркада, Экшен, Вид сверху
Платформы PC, Mobile

Lost and Found the first mobile Rayman game... IS BACK! Find the magic lums (blue balls) hidden in the Rayman Garden as quickly as possible. Advance using the arrow keys. Use your swords to fight the enemies: press on X to attack (Sword) and on C to carry out a super attack (Fire Sword). You can advance using the arrow keys. Each fight or obstacle will cost you a sword. Beware, as they are quickly used up. To save your swords, return walk mode by pressing on Z. Again, beware, if you come across... развернуть


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Даты выхода

Legacy Mobile Device 11.09.2021
PC (Microsoft Windows) 05.06.2021



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