The Night Wanderer is a hybrid of RPG and soulslike genres, characterized by unique solutions and an innovative approach to tried-and-true mechanics. The game utilizes level design...
A cyber companion for your desktop inspired by LCD virtual pets of old. Collect, train and fight all sorts of Reverians as you take on daring ventures, fun mini-games and fierce ba...
A remake of the first installment in the main Trails series, serving as the beginning to the Liberl arc and the series as a whole. The game follows protagonists Estelle Bright and...
Threads of Time is an era-spanning, turn-based RPG inspired by the timeless classics. Embark on a journey through time, gather a party of charismatic heroes from across ages, and u...
Pokemon Emerald Seaglass is a romhack of Pokemon Emerald with many alterations. Notable features include: - Complete visual overhaul of all game graphics to fit a cozy, GBC-like...
Mobile role playing game that takes place prior to the Dragon Ball Z storyline.
Alnam no Tsubasa is a sequel to Alnam no Kiba. Like its predecessor, it is a Japanese-style role-playing game with a character-driven story, linear advancement, and simple leveling...
Evercore Heroes is a unique, competitive PVE game where players compete to prove they are the world’s best team of heroes. Set in a rich, science fantasy world called Lumerea, the...
A team-turn-based MOBA centralized around slaying monsters, gathering items, gaining levels, and competing in teams of five to slay an enemy teams dragon. CotDb takes place in a gr...
A retro RPG that combines fantasy and sci-fi elements into a time-traveling adventure. Help Stenobar Floreston and his friends uncover a plot that threatens the world of Neria in t...
Commemorating Phantasy Star Online 2's 20th Anniversary, Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis is a major update to Phantasy Star Online 2 and the next installment in the Phantasy Sta...
A special demo released before the official launch of Pokémon Sun and Moon. It was settled in Hau'oli city and was the only way to obtain some special items and Pokémon, such as a...