The Legend of Heroes: Ao no Kiseki is the fifth installment in the main Kiseki series, serving as a direct sequel to the events of the The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki and the...
A virtual reality fantasy simulation for socializing with other players in a single open world. A sandbox for creation and roleplaying.
Defenders of the Omniverse is a Reverse Bullet Hell Rogue-Lite set in a world between realities, where heroes and monsters from all across space and time face off in the final batt...
Three of SEGA’s era-defining Phantasy Star RPGs join SEGA Forever all in one single app! Venture boldly into unguarded wilds armed with magic as you prepare to face creepy dungeons...
Zofia is a first person online and/or split screen cooperative RPG. Branded as a heretic and an outcast, you manage to escape the northern empire and take up work as a Seeker.
Aembrosia is a steampunk metroidvania focused on tight combat and weapon building. As engineer Iris, craft new equipment and outfit guns with rule-breaking mods as you explore the...
EarthBound 64 Recreation is a PC fangame created by Team Pollysoft. It aims to recreate the Spaceworld '99 demo of the unreleased Nintendo 64 version of Mother 3.
This set includes the following DLC: Van's Swimsuit, Agnès' Swimsuit, Feri's Swimsuit, Aaron's Swimsuit, Risette's Swimsuit, Quatre's Swimsuit, Judith's Swimsuit, Bergard's Swimsui...
This additional content will portray the story of an alternative world where Goku has succumbed to his heart disease and where most of the earth defenders have fallen to the cyborg...
An RPG Maker MZ adventure game inspired by the One Piece series, set 20 years after the events of the original story. Take control of Alphonse D. Orion, a mysterious amnesiac with...
This patch is geared towards fixing bugs and patching up script inconsistencies or censorship. The aim is to preserve the original translation while generally improving the game as...
Mother Squared is a fan remake currently in development of the sleeper hit SNES game, EarthBound.
Three different legends are about to unfold! Determine the fates of Rean Schwarzer, Lloyd Bannings, and the mysterious C in this climactic chapter of The Legend of Heroes series.
Fire up the Time Portal and send your Sims to their most exciting destination yet: a whole new world that exists hundreds of years in the future in The Sims 3: Into the Future, an...
BoneCraft: Somewhere in Some Galaxy is the second game created by D-Dub Software. It is a follow-up to 2008’s Action Adventure Porno Video Game, BoneTown. A parody of everything s...
[Astral Guardians] is a magical MMORPG with a wide world view and cool content featuring various dungeons and classic PVP experiences. As an MMORPG game, this game has incredible s...
Otaku no Seiza tells the story of Fuyuu City, a place built in space far in the future. Aurora, a group of five attractive and powerful women, control the city. Men in the city are...
The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki - Farewell, O Zemuria is the thirteenth installment in the main Trails series, serving as a direct sequel to the events of The Legend of Heroes:...
A rom hack for Mother 3 that restores unused characters, events, and features.
This is a world where reality and anomalies coexist, and all rules can be broken.
EarthBound Beginnings is the first installment in the EarthBound / Mother series. It was developed by Ape Inc., Nintendo Tokyo R&D Products, and Pax Softnica, and was published by...
Saturn is a tactical RPG set on the moons of Saturn and on Earth. The protagonist controls robots on the moons of Saturn and explores an underground city where one can find keys to...
Turn-based fantasy RPG that takes place in Lastia, the last piece of land on a world that survived a great war and is now facing a new threat: strange creatures named Xempts.
An RPG that uses the ATB battle system seen in early Final Fantasy games, Short Adventure follows a diseased young woman who goes from every day college student to criminal to outc...
Spooky surprises are in store for you in the world of The Sims 3: Supernatural, an expansion pack for The Sims 3. Enter the mysterious town of Moonlight Falls where strange things...
Corepunk is an MMORPG with fog-of-war in a seamless open world. Thanks to the top-down camera and fog-of-war, you'll want to discover every nook and cranny. Corepunk offers a varie...
The Night Wanderer is a hybrid of RPG and soulslike genres, characterized by unique solutions and an innovative approach to tried-and-true mechanics. The game utilizes level design...