Journey through as Geppetto, the carpenter's live wooden puppet, Pinocchio, as he did in his Disney animated film - which itself was based on a children's novel. Have Pinocchio run...
BC Racers is a kart racing game starring characters from the Core Design's Chuck Rock series of games. Each of the racers in this game rides a prehistoric motorcycle with a side...
The game is viewed from the bridge of your vessel (there are 5 different ones in total), with polygons used to display the action. Information on the world situation at the time of...
T-Mek is essentially an updated Battlezone. You are a warrior battling in the T-MEK competition, a hugely popular event in the future. You control a hovercraft and try to blow up e...
One of the last 32X games released (and exclusively in Europe), DarXide is a 3-D space shooter, inspired in part by the arcade gameplay of Asteroids. It is one of the few 32X games...
You pilot a fictional airplane called the SSF-14 fighter, using Up to descend and Down to climb it, like in a real fighter plane (although that can be changed in the options under...
World Series Baseball Starring Deion Sanders is an entry in the World Series Baseball series, and was released exclusively on the Sega 32X in 1995. It was not released outside of N...
Kolibri is a side scrolling shooter, featuring a hummingbird hero acrosss 19 levels in a variety of natural settings, with multiple objectives as solving puzzles, clearing all enem...
Soulstar for the Sega CD/Mega CD is a 3D shoot-'em up that combines several different types of gameplay into one game. Some levels in this game are on a fixed path, similar to Spac...
Golf Magazine: 36 Great Holes Starring Fred Couples, called Golf Magazine Presents 36 Great Holes Starring Fred Couples on the boxart and in Sega of Japan's archive, is a golf game...
This version is an updated follow-up to the R.B.I. series. Many of the same features from other baseball games are present and has three different game modes to choose from: exhibi...
32X port of FIFA 96. It was only released in Europe, although an American version was advertised.
32X port of Doom. It has less content than the original version. It is based on the Atari Jaguar port.
A Sega 32x version of the very first Rayman game which never came to be.