Dark Earth is a post-apocalyptic action-adventure game for the PC. Dark Earth takes place several centuries in the future, when a meteor collision with Earth tossed up great cloud...
Leander is a computer game for the Commodore Amiga developed by Traveller's Tales and published by Psygnosis in 1991. It was the first game to be developed by Traveller's Tales. T...
Billions of years ago, a Being from a distant galaxy was transporting a precious cargo of life giving Ore. The turbulent formation of our solar system caused his ship to crash, sca...
The fourth part of Rex's Adventures. In this episode we travel through time and space.
A deadly virus has invaded the military's top secret computer. Thrust into a deadly time warp. You must battle your way through history and the future, racing against time to resto...
From Software's attempt to create a fantasy-themed take on Armored Core. The first game of it's type to feature online multiplayer for a console, years before Armored Core would in...
Time Killers is a 2D Fighting game, developed by Incredible Technologies and published by Black Pearl, which was released in 1996.
Phantom Blade: Executioners is a fast-paced action game set in the Phantom World. It features a rich storyline of Kung-Fu adventures, where you dive into a conspiracy that threaten...