8.1 Pirates of the Caribbean (2003)
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Pirates of the Caribbean (2003)

POTC / Fluch der Karibik / La maledizione della prima luna / Pirates des Caraïbes / Корсары II: Пираты Карибского моря / Sea Dogs 2
Дата выхода: 01 июля 2003
Жанры РПГ, От 3-го лица, Экшен
Платформы PC, XBOX

Пираты Карибского моря - это ролевая игра, в которой игрок берет на себя роль пирата, который должен расти в мастерстве, сражаясь, торгуя и решая квесты. Игрок может купить и модернизировать корабль, набрать команду и попытаться править морями Карибского моря.


After a fierce storm, Captain Nathaniel Hawk arrives on the island of Oxbay. His first mate Malcolm Hatcher is retiring, and so Hawk must hire a new first mate and crew. As he leaves Oxbay, a French armada attacks the colony and captures it. Hawk manages to slip away and warn the English governor on Redmond Island, Robert Christopher Silehard, that Oxbay was attacked.

The governor sends Hawk on a series of quests to aid him in the war against France: Nathaniel is sent to investigate the condition in Oxbay; prevent a supply ship from reaching Oxbay; unload English troops in the jungles of Oxbay and rescue the English spy from the clutches of the French.

While preparing for his next quest - annexing Oxbay, Nathaniel meets his old friends: Danielle Greene and Ralph Fawn. However, Ralph is killed when the soldiers arrive to arrest Danielle and Nathaniel himself is captured and imprisoned. While in prison he gets to know an old ex-cannoneer Edgar Attwood who was fi... развернуть


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Даты выхода

Xbox 05.09.2003
PC (Microsoft Windows) 15.08.2003

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