A mystery adventure game by Enix from 1990. Players control a musician named Kazuya Mizukami, who returns to Japan and, following the death of a music producer, becomes a prime mur...
Konohana: True Report is the first entry of the mystery visual novel series Konohana, taking place in a high school featuring Meguru Momoi as a protagonist, a second-year student w...
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Hou+ is a remaster of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Hou, which contains all of the previous chapters from the series with additional songs, upscaled sprites,...
X-note - это смесь визуального романа и симулятора свиданий. Следите за историей Эсси, пока она ищет правду о смерти своей матери.
Twilight of the Golden Witch is the eighth arc of the Umineko no Naku Koro ni series as well as the fourth and final arc of Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru. The story follows Ange Us...
Konohana 4: Yami o Harau Inori is the fourth entry of the mystery visual novel series Konohana, in which Meguru Momoi, Miako Tachibana, and Shinobu Sakurada take a bullet train for...
This is the sequel to our Paper Bride series based on Chinese folklore. This story takes place in Zangling Village, where players must explore a village shrouded in occult mystery...
Disorder6 is a suspenseful visual novel set in the same world as, or is a sequel to, Dunamis15.
1986, Tornado Alley, USA… Go undercover as Boulder, an agent infiltrating the notorious religious cult known as the Bahnsen Knights. Face off against occultists, biblical storms, a...
Woodsalt is an adventure game set on the planet of Nu-Terra, 1000 years after Earth was evacuated during chaotic natural disasters and an attack by giant creatures.
Это 2-я половина серии романов Уминеко, когда они плачут, включающей эпизоды с 5 по 8. Эта версия Steam включает в себя многоязычные опции, обновленные спрайты персонажей с возможн...
When a popular illustrator is found dead, disgraced demonologist Harold Ludicael is hired to summon her ghost. But he’s hiding a secret: Ghosts are as fake as all the other lies c...
Higurashi When They Cry is a sound novel. The music, backgrounds and characters work together to create a world that is the stage of a novel for the user to read. They laugh and cr...
In this match 3 adventure set in a 21st-century wizarding world, you’ll meet witches who will become your closest friends… and others who may betray you! It’s up to you how your my...
Silver Blue is a BL visual novel 15+ with anime style, containing adventure fantasy content. The game includes three love interests and their respective routes, with 10 different e...
Spend the night as a Paramedium Cleric and see if you have what it takes to survive.
Kansei is an interactive story game produced by SakeVisual, and the sequel to the murder mystery game Jisei. The story follows the journey of a teenager with the ability to relive...
A combined remake of the first game in the Famicom Tantei Club, Famicom Detective Club, series originally released in 1988 on the Family Computer Disk System in 2 parts. Solve a m...
A space-themed video game concept album that will take you through a series of wildly different gameplay concepts, art styles and soundscapes. There may also be dogs.
Imagine being the only survivor of an explosion that kills thousands of people. That is the fate of Sofya Rykov. And survival is just the beginning of her tale... Episode 0: The Im...
Zero welcomes you to take part in both the Nonary Game and the Nonary Game: Ambidex Edition as the award-winning escape-the-room visual novels Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors...
Loop is an interactive story in which every choice radically changes the story. Your behavior and the bonds you build with the character will drastically affect the outcome. You r...
Konohana 2: Todokanai Requiem is the second entry of the mystery visual novel series Konohana, after the infamous Grim Reaper murder mystery case, Meguru Momoi gained some recognit...
Root Film is the successor to Root Letter. Masterful storytelling meets a multitude of interactive elements in the new game from Kadokawa Games.
Across the Grooves - это интерактивный графический роман для ПК / Mac / Linux, действие которого разворачивается во вселенной магического реализма, где ваши решения влияют на судьб...