8.7 Persona 4 (2008)
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Persona 4 (2008)


Запись в серии JRPG / визуальных новелл hybrid Persona, в которой игроку предстоит использовать силу персонажей и сражаться с сущностями, называемыми Тенями, налаживая связи с местными жителями Инабы, сельского японского городка, охваченного волнениями из-за необъяснимых убийств, совершенных под прикрытием туманной погоды и слухов о телевизионном канале, который, как утверждается, транслируйте таинственные изображения дождливыми ночами.


Скриншоты и арты

Даты выхода

PlayStation 3 08.04.2014
PlayStation 2 09.12.2008


life simulation basketball martial arts asian style аниме visual novel киберпанк serial killer arpg - action rpg демон souls детектив убийство магия sword grinding crimesolving dungeon dating japanese turn-based rpg summoning ps2 fishing 21st century смерть philosophic angel cooking romance chariot mythology role playing rainbow multiple protagonists bromance chosen one несколько (множество) концовок modern open-world dating sim high school playstation 2 dungeon crawling dialogue trees valkyrie криминал инвентарь investigation fox billiards sequel resurrection dreams silent protagonist good vs evil day/night cycle trivia harem puppet битвы с боссами anthropomorphism genie throwing weapons students alternate costumes повышение уровня (прокачка) voice acting cat broken english mind control human polygonal 3d shopping transforming boss love triangle deliberately retro party system cameo appearance randomly generated dungeons racial stereotypes cartoon cutscene original soundtrack release non-player character save point buddhism treasure chest moral decisions branching story line melee adultery fusion stat tracking unbeatable enemy optional boss difficulty level internet culture reference female antagonists subtitled silence vending machine coming of age cross culture language skills shinto order and chaos punctuation mark above head villain been here before nurse hallucination multiple enemy boss fight unskippable cutscene alternate reality camera control power of friendship not-so-bad guys teenager recurring character meme origin androgyny camping book adaptation ambient music cross-dressing new protagonist in sequel day-based narrative fake tv show women in refrigerators new game plus fire manipulation resized enemy journalist fast travel dream sequence battle screen sociopath games on which anime are based status effects ghoul phoenix sealing your own fate unrequited love contextual controller rumble seasons impossible to lose tomboy yandere potential love interest false death health from romance j-pop skull for a head gender exclusive equipment comic relief monsters that look suspiciously like genitalia ps2 classics western published games with japanese titles monomyth framing inner-thoughts world changing dimensions forensics promotional drink tie-in adapted to - theater modern day mythology male protagonist dating simulation philosophical

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