In ancient times, when all conflicts were solved by the sword and strange creatures dwelled in deep forests, none could be sure with his life. Many people have died without even knowing where the death blow came from.
At that time simple folk had nothing left, but to create small alliances - fellowships - that struggled for survival. Centuries have passed in which they have succeeded to secure the lands and expand their territory, for their numbers have risen as well.
During that time, two clans have gained the upper hand: the clan of Red devils and the clan of Blue wolves. Though they had disputes, the decision has been made to put them aside so the land would not once again become the chaotic realm of beasts. However, as the expansion progressed and more of the land was available, the will to share started to weaken. Soon the Red devils tasted the bitter wrath of their barbaric brothers. The burning villages and tortured bodies are a sight too horrible bear...