8 OGame (2002)
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OGame (2002)

OGame is a strategy game set in space, with thousands of players from across the world competing at the same time. You only need a regular web browser to play. You start out with just one undeveloped world and turn that into a mighty empire able to defend your hard earned colonies. Create an economic and military infrastructure to support your quest for the next greatest technological achievements. Wage war against other empires as you struggle with other players to gain the materials. Negoti... развернуть


This is the story of a species, a race – it's our race, the humans.
Interestingly enough the story has not yet happened, but it should still be told. Once in a time you will find that time runs in parallel, that everything that was in the past, forms the present as well as the present is the basis for the future. There has been found a way to visit the past without altering the future. Because one can only alter the future when living it for oneself. This might be hard to understand, but its true. Only when you know that something has happened, you can change it, because it then is part of one`s own past. You will simply disappear from that point on, no changes will take place, because this is already the past.. your past.

It began in the year 2250 – the year `alpha` – when the first man took the risk of an interstellar flight of more than three minutes and thus farther than any probe had gone before. It was a new kind of engine called impulse engine, which allowed m... развернуть


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Web browser 03.10.2002

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