NHL Face Off '97 (1996)
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NHL Face Off '97 (1996)

NHL Face Off 97 / NHL FaceOff 97
Дата выхода: 23 октября 1996
Жанры Спорт, Мультиплеер, Вид сверху
Платформы PS1

NHL FACEOFF '97 has all the basic features you've come to expect from a hockey game. All 26 NHL teams from the 1997 season are included, and you'll find all the players as well. The Season mode lets you take a team through a full slate of games while you keep an eye on how the rest of the league is doing. Players can be traded from one team to another, and created as well. This is Sony's first PlayStation hockey series, and graphically it is considered one of the best-looking hockey games ever t... развернуть


Скриншоты и арты

Даты выхода

PlayStation 23.10.1996


Серии игр:

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