The story of Neurocracy is episodic and unfolds across ten consecutive days in the year 2049. Each episode represents a snapshot of a single day, with new articles uploaded (and existing ones updated) to simulate bouts of frantic editing that reflect the global fallout of the assassination. Each article offers a unique narrative thread to follow, detailing a person, organisation, technology, or event relevant to the story and themes of Neurocracy. You can even click Random article and dive in that way.
In addition to the sense of realism conferred by the Wikipedia format, Neurocracy uses accurate science and plausible sociopolitics to craft the world of 2049, which exists at the intersection of surveillance capitalism, consumer-grade neurotech, and biosecurity. To build that world on top of our own, Neurocracy extrapolates the science behind artificial neural networks, implanted neural devices, and neurodegenerative prion diseases.