8.6 NBA Street (2001)
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NBA Street (2001)

Дата выхода: 18 июня 2001
Жанры Спорт, От 3-го лица, Сплит Скрин
Платформы PS2, GameCube

Are you ready for extreme basketball? You'd better be, 'cause it's coming to your PS2 fresh from the developers of SSX! Hit the streets for some 3-on-3 hoop action, where flashy moves are your key to victory. Do tricks and combos to build up your Gamebreaker meter. Hit a Gamebreaker shot and you'll not only advance your own point total, but take away from your opponents'. One well-timed Gamebreaker can turn a match around! Create your own cool characters, and earn great new stuff for them as you... развернуть

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Даты выхода

Nintendo GameCube 22.03.2002
PlayStation 2 23.08.2001


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