Perform a series of scary rituals to win over an eldritch cutie and win a smooch!
Birb Café is a coffee-making visual novel about a cute bird helping adventurers on their quests. Your choices matter!
A girl wakes up in a strange room, unsure of who she is... Play multiple times to uncover the full story!
ЯДРО, частная исследовательская станция, 2352. Знаменитый ученый должен положиться на таинственного компаньона, который поможет ему найти своих близких в руинах павшей утопии. Зат...
Главный герой - несчастный человек, который ничего не может сделать хорошо. В один роковой день он встречает 2-х ушастых служанок храма по имени Аяме и Каэдэ в старом святилище и в...
Doll Shop is an adventure game based on the Japanese countryside. It is half romance, half horror. The Doll Shop will let you choose your fate. But maybe you're already doomed...
Your Story is a visual novel based in a fantasy world where you're a guide for a half-elf named Lia. She has no friends and can't find her place in this world. Together you will en...
Explore the Void, alter the past, make friends!
A two minute vignette about being consumed by stars.
Discover what lies outside your world!
В ближайшем будущем андроиды стали образом нормы. Бесчувственные куски металла стали частью человеческого общества, к большому разочарованию мальчика. Однако робот, которого он наш...
On a time-dilated voyage away from earth, one minute of your time can stretch for years back home. There's only one thing to do: Browse social media, of course. A work of intera...
“Neighboring Islands” – is an exciting graphic novel, key feature of which is an opportunity to take part in its events, directly influencing the development of the plot. Every dec...
Neofeud is a Dystopic Cyberpunk adventure game in the vein of Blade Runner, but with an overlay of Game of Thrones-like political intrigue, and 1366x768, hand-painted, stylized vis...
Koropokkur in Love is a tale of a young woman who, after venturing out of her isolated village, experiences love and a vast, brand-new world for the very first time.
The world has ended and most everyone is dead, guess it's time to fulfill an old promise to an old flame.
Witches and Bandits and Swords (Oh My) is a mouse-only, adventure choosing graphic novel game in which you must explore dangerous forests, save your friends from a pirate conspirac...
Mil Rosas is an adventure game, autofictional, about someone playing a game in their console during chemo session.
Live forever, at a price...In the last days of their life, a dying person takes one final gamble... No More Future is a linear Sci-Fi Visual Novel, where you explore a futuristic w...
Do I Pass is a visual novel where you play as a transgender woman who is worried about if she passes or not. With the help of a magical webpage she becomes a ghost and peeks into t...
A science fiction horror game about a space mission and its fallout, told in an epistolary hypertext format.
Волчьи хвосты - это визуальный роман, в котором вы заботитесь о двух девочках-волчицах. Есть Мирари, добросердечная девушка, которая убегает от своих обязанностей по отношению к св...
A cultural touchstone retold through an interactive medium, allowing you to empathise more closely with the British Lads themselves.
Every choice you make will change your story. Every small choice will change your relationships with comrades, and change your fate and those of your comrades at critical moments....
A visual novel with high interactivity, 'Voronica Cleans House' currently includes an hour of voracious gameplay, five potential transformations, nine victims, five main characters...