Relive the infamous Battle of the Bulge as the Germans or Americans. This entry, fourth in the Close Combat series, introduces a Strategic map, features new units, and includes air...
Acclaimed developer Panther Games brings us to the bitter cold of Western Europe during the Winter of 1944 with Command Ops: Battles from the Bulge. Although the Battle of the Bulg...
A beautifully presented tale of unforgiving combat in a war torn city. Warsaw is a WWII turn-based tactical rpg with beautiful hand painted graphics. Lead a small, dedicated outfit...
The main Class G group must open the flood gate using the switch in area 4, then Avan must move to the target point in area 3 by passing through the flood gate.
Rebel special ops are experimenting with a new communications device in the Roendahl Canyon. Capture the enemy base camp in Area 3 within 5 turns to stop them before the experimen...
Bandit Kings of Ancient China is a turn-based strategy role-playing simulation game developed and published by Koei for MS-Dos, the Amiga, and the Apple II. It was later ported to...
Firefight is a World War II real-time simulation game similar in style to the old Close Combat series but brought up to date with better AI, individual soldier modelling, a faster...
Основанная на движке War in the East с многолетними дополнительными функциями и улучшениями, игра Гэри Григсби Война на Западе 1943-45 является самой амбициозной и детализированной...
Total War: Rome Remastered lets you relive the legacy that defined the strategy game series. Remastered to 4K with multiple improvements to visuals as well as refinements to gamepl...
Want to find yourself in the very center of Kharkov Defence Operation as an army commander? You'll have everything the officers had back then - tanks, gunnery and fearless soldiers...
Wrath of Sparta introduces an entirely new, epic campaign expansion for Total War: Rome II focusing exclusively on the Hellenic world, plunging players into the turbulent events of...
Серия Воины династии позволит вам встать на место величайших полководцев Древнего Китая. В этой тактической экшн-игре игроки могут насладиться острыми ощущениями от уничтожения тыс...
Дизайн виртуальной реальности был усилен дизайнером Кэмероном Харрисом, чтобы создать новый, невиданный ранее опыт wargaming: Решающие кампании: Барбаросса. Эта революционная военн...
Оживите шедевр тактики в реальном времени, который как никто другой определил жанр: Commandos 2 - HD Remaster — это настоящая дань уважения одному из самых знаменитых игровых шедев...
Character Popularity Contest Commemorative stickers. Illustrations of Magari of the the women's category, and Alexis of the men's category.
Project Wunderwaffe will take you back into the realities of World War II, the end of which seems to be near. Germany is now just a shadow of its power. Your order is to build a se...
Стратегические игры стали слишком скучными, погрязли в дипломатии, бесконечных перемещениях, ожидании.... тьфу, так много ожидания. Crush Your Enemies - это RTS, дистиллированная д...
Сражайтесь бок о бок со своими войсками в изнуряющей жаре пустыни Сахара или на ветреных высотах Итальянских Альп. Проявите свое стратегическое мастерство, чтобы одержать верх при...
Three Kingdoms: Fate of the Dragon is a Real Time Strategy game based on the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
The Greek States Culture Pack adds a new playable Culture including three new playable Factions to Total War: Rome II; for use in Single or Multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom an...
Rebel forces are attempting to steal ragnite from the Doerfein Mines. Capture the enemy camps marked in areas 1, 2 and 3 to drive them back. We have heard that the enemy is equip...
Entity is a side-scrolling platform game in which you control a female (in her bare essentials) trying to save a planet from an evil creature (the entity) that has broken lose from...
Command Ops 2 - это движок военной игры, который позволяет вам оценивать, планировать, отдавать приказы и реагировать на оперативном уровне так же, как настоящий командир корпуса,...
Empire: Total War - Downloadable Content Pack contains the following five downloadable content packs (DLCs) for Empire: Total War: - The Warpath Campaign (a new campaign featuri...
Sid Meier's Gettysburg! is a real-time tactical[2] computer game designed by Sid Meier, the co-founder of Firaxis Games, that was released in 1997 by Electronic Arts. In 1998, Gett...
Released during the Cold War era, Raid Over Moscow is an action game in which the player (an American space pilot) has to stop three Soviet nuclear attacks on North America, then f...