Following his escape at the end of Return to Ravenhearst, Victor Dalimar travels to different time periods in his time machine in search of Charles's soul before ending up at Hotel Victory in the present along with other time-displaced characters he unwillingly transported from the past. Learning of Victor's return, the detective heads to Hotel Victory. Inside, she encounters Charlotte Dalimar, who strongly desires to return her time. After finding Victor's time machine, Charlotte tries to use it to return to her time but fails. Victor appears on a monitor and says that all time-displaced characters must be present for them to be returned to their respective times. Victor also asks the detective to help determine where each character came from and gather them all in the dining room so they can return them to the past to keep any time paradoxes from happening.
The detective locates the other characters:
Dr. Goodwell, Lucy the Breaded Lady, and Franco the Excess...