This story takes place directly after the events in Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst. The player is driving through a decrepit town called Dire Grove, which appears to be deserted. The weather forecast has predicted a heavy snowstorm and the player has no other option but to explore the deserted town for shelter. The player sees an abandoned car and finds a camcorder in it. The footage shows a teenaged girl crying and pleading the player to save them. The player also finds a cryptic note: "She is real. The legend is real.".
As the player explores the surrounding, they realize that all the villagers have evacuated due to the snowstorm, so the player has to do everything by themself. The player learns that the girl in the footage is Alison Sterling, a collegiate who has chosen the Celtic legend of the Banshee as a subject for research. She arrived here with 3 friends and all four of them are missing. The player also learns that Dr. Patricia Anderson, an archaeologist had u...