Our Moo Lander story begins with two ancient alien nations – The Landers and The Annunaki. They both lived together in peace and harmony. The core of their culture and technology was the milk – they actually found a way to harness infinite and absolutely clean energy from this miraculous substance. The cows which gave the milk were their most important possession.
Unfortunately, there came a time when the Annunaki became greedy and wished all the milk for themselves. This naturally led to a civil conflict between the Landers and the Annunaki – it was a bloody and terrible war which led to the dying of all the cows. The so precious milk resource was depleted as a result of the war, and there were no more cows to produce it. So the Landers were on the brink of total extinction with no hope of saving their great civilization.
However, the wise and powerful sages of the Landers remembered and ancient prophecy which spoke of a powerful device which was said to be able to...