Mongol watched the weary head of Agrippa sitting on a mountain top, but terrified by the hideous noise it was making, he began to turn, fleeing from the laden locust that came out of its mouth and those of its wrathful servants.
Since he couldn’t outrun them, he chose to hide near the burial-mounds. There he awaited the arrival of Roach, an eight legged man-like creature with a crooked nose and an eyeless pink face. That moment never came. Startled, again, he leaped over the mounds and met his maker, a man who had once been a king and whose rule was unquestioned.
The world fell silent after he became a god. Even after his ascension, Mongol refused to serve. Mongol would serve no one. In his mind, the old world had still remained alive. Countless attempts at his life failed. And the perpetrators were punished with a fate much worse than death. With each breath their lungs grew in size, until they became as fat as Zeppelins.
Their ribs were shattere...