Mobile Suit Gundam: Spirits of Zeon (2006)
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Mobile Suit Gundam: Spirits of Zeon (2006)

Дата выхода: 22 декабря 2006
Жанры Шутер, От 1-го лица, Кооператив, Сплит Скрин, Экшен
Платформы Arcade

From the attack on Jaburo to the final stand at A Baoa Qu Spirits of Zeon follows two Principality soldiers, Kurt and Robin, also known as the two Ogres, in their fight to survive. Players shoot their way through eight sequential stages starting in Jaburo, through the escape into space, the defense of Solomon, and lastly to the last outpost of Zeon. At the end of their path lies a duel with the White Devil, and hero of the One Year War, Amuro Ray. Stages are completed by shooting everything in... развернуть

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Даты выхода

Arcade 22.12.2006


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