The game's story is contained within the game's Extreme Force mode, which is a prequel to the events of Gundam EXA. The story revolves around the "Project Force" plan, which was put into motion to help humanity evolve and avoid utter annihilation after observing the events of the Universal Century. To do this, two virtual combat simulators, Aire and Tereno, create a human personality from the database AI to dive into the virtual recreations of Universal Century, link up with various pilots from across the timelines and evolve in hopes of discovering a way to save humanity from the brink of destruction.
As the player progresses, irregularities begin appearing, endangering the project. It is soon revealed that these irregularities were in fact created by the control program of the Project itself, revealing its intent through hijacking Aire and Tereno. In order to, on its own terms based on accumulated data, speed up the evolution of humanity, it created conflict through thes...