Synergia is a yuri thriller visual novel that takes place in a cyberpunk future, wrapped up in a beautifully unique, vibrant neon aesthetic. At the end of the world, sometimes love...
Collar x Malice is a visual novel, and follows Ichika Hoshino, who is patrolling Shinjuku, Tokyo. She is attacked, and a collar with poison is placed around her neck; following thi...
A romantic summer date party gone wild! A sweet party becomes a murder scene... you have to find a way to survive in an isolated mansion on an isolated island with ten guys! Can yo...
Nameless: The Departed Cycle is a dark fantasy/horror visual novel with LGBTQ+ elements. Make choices to determine Israh's fate, and strive to survive -- perhaps even slay -- the m...
You’d told me, Hey, this is a one-time thing, and I said yeah, of course - Yet here we are.” ..who, exactly, am I waking up next to? A romance about a more-than-one-night stand;...
Five Nights at F***boy’s is a FNaF fangame created by Sable Lynn and Joshua Shaw in RPG Maker VX Ace featuring unfair difficulty, text-to-speech voice acting, and beautiful, beauti...
Mothmen 1966 is a 'Pixel Pulp' - a visual novel featuring a fusion of exceptional writing and stunning illustration, inspired by mid-20th century pulp fiction and 80s home computer...
Springtrap embarks on the most thrilling night of debauchery yet... Five Nights at F***boy’s 3 is a FNaF fangame developed by Sable Lynn and Joshua Shaw. It is the climactic seque...
Welcome to Murderer’s Island. Your companions: four dead-sexy Killers who, underneath their murderous exteriors, just want a little romance. Flirt your way into their hearts, uncov...
Five Nights at F***boy’s 2 is a FNaF fangame and sequel to surprise hit Five Nights at F***boy's created by Sable Lynn and Joshua Shaw in RPG Maker VX Ace. This version includes t...
Four rabbit maidens work to ensure the success of their temple in this surrealistic visual novel for one player.
A new visual novel from the legendary eXtend! Mixing romance with murders and dangerous ikemen, BUSTAFELLOWS is a steamy noir mystery that will make you shiver but ask for more!
This short visual novel follows Jack as he makes desperate plans to save the girl dearest to him, and as he remembers how Anna tore through his life.
Experience the continuation of each character’s story from Piofiore: Fated Memories in five all-new episodes, a thrilling tale of mystery and murder, and an alternative what-if sce...
Quentin “Q” Hawthorne is a coffee-loving IT specialist living a quiet life in the small town of Millbrook. But he’s about to learn that this charming place holds a secret – it is h...
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru is the sequel to Umineko no Naku Koro Ni. It is also referred to as When They Cry 4 in the overall When They Cry franchise.
Play as Sam or Farah as they attempt to navigate the neon thrills of their cyberpunk city Love Shore, solve murders, fight gods and maybe fall in love.
A manor in the countryside stands resolute against the elements, protecting its occupants rain or shine. Henri and Julien, its vampiric occupants, aren't weathering so well, howev...
A retro-styled psychological-thriller visual novel with dark yuri themes, about an Osakan college student who stalks her love interest and bumps off any rivals who get in the way.
Lyre is a romance furry visual novel story where you travel to a strange kingdom as a human ambassador, surrounded by diverse characters. Your only weakness is that you have no ide...
After being kidnapped by a wolf-like alien, a man from Earth finds himself caught up in the messy political affairs of a race that has recently lost its emperor.
The Arson Betrayal is a choice-driven and story-focused action-thriller visual novel. Players are given the opportunity to choose which girls they wish to pursue a relationship wit...
Shangrlia is a turn-based tactical game. The ten female commanders reside in the castle and can be approached in any order. Each of them transfers the player to a different locatio...
Kasumi Kawamura thought the nightmare was over, but it followed her to university. A strange affliction begins to affect the city, causing the victims to suffer terrible nightmares...