Mickey Mouse - Fantasia (1991)
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Mickey Mouse - Fantasia (1991)

Дата выхода: 21 декабря 1991
Жанры Приключения
Платформы Sega MegaDrive

In the single-player game, the player controls Mickey Mouse as the Sorcerer's Apprentice through various side-scrolling levels in an attempt to collect musical notes that somehow went missing whilst he was asleep. Each of the four levels were based on amalgamations of the segments of Fantasia, each one around the elements: water (The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Dance of the Reed Flutes and Arabian Dance), earth (The Rite of Spring), air (Russian Dance, Pastoral Symphony and Dance of the Hours) and fi... развернуть

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Даты выхода

Sega Mega Drive / Genesis 21.12.1991



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