Metroid RPG: Kilo Squadron​ (2025)
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Metroid RPG: Kilo Squadron​ (2025)

Дата выхода: 2025
Жанры РПГ, Научная фантастика, От 1-го лица, Вид сверху
Платформы PC

One of the Federation's finest teams, comprised of a group of...misfits, to put it somewhat bluntly. This game is a spinoff akin to Shadow the Hedgehog and Luigi's Mansion, and Sonic Chronicles and Paper Mario, where the spotlight shifts to background characters, in this case a bunch of new ones, with a different RPG genre. Samus is almost nonexistent, instead the game focuses more on the biology, lore and backstory that enriches every Metroid game to date. It gives backstories and even a sense... развернуть


Our team, comprising of Kaizo Nisaio: He is a General in the Federation. He is also an Emperor; the Luminoth had a belief that turned out to be true that dead souls travel to Fendara, the planet also known as the Frozen Graveyard. This applied to Ing, and on an observance mission he was possessed by what little was left of the Emperor's body and soul, however it wasn't enough to take Kaizo over; it was only enough for a sort of fusion. He was already a volatile adversary at Level VII: boosted by his 'fusion' with the Emperor he is a Level IX threat, second only to Level X: Samus Aran.
Lorelai Nisaio: An expert spy and infiltrator whose personal record consists almost entirely of more shady dealings that the Federation might not approve of, but get the job done more effectively than their methods. She was even assigned to observe Samus, posing as a nurse, the nurse who taught the Hunter how to use Hypermode, on the G.F.S. Olympus. She also appeared as one of the members of the boa... развернуть

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