8.3 Metroid Fusion (2002)
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Metroid Fusion (2002)

Metroid 4

Знаменитая серия Metroid возвращается к Game Boy Advance с Metroid Fusion. После подвигов Самуса в Super Nintendo classic Super Metroid межгалактический охотник за головами заражается паразитической формой жизни, известной только как X. Самус спасена и возрождена ДНК Метроида только после того, как претерпела некоторые серьезные изменения в своем теле и костюме, что привело к резкому изменению ее внешности и новой способности поглощать и ассимилировать способности вируса Икс. Откройте для себя н... развернуть


The game begins with Samus Aran acting as a bodyguard for the Biologic's research team on planet SR388. Eventually, a Hornoad confronts them and is killed by Samus. However, a globular yellow organism (an X) emerges from the Hornoad as it is destroyed and enters Samus's body.
Feeling no initial effects, Samus continues escorting the researchers and completes the assignment. On the way back to the laboratory, however, Samus loses consciousness, and her gunship crashes into an asteroid belt. The ship's emergency systems automatically ejected Samus' escape pod, saving her from the crash, but her gunship is completely destroyed. Samus is quickly attended to by a medical crew, who discover that the creature that entered her body on SR388 was actually a parasitic organism that they soon named X.

Samus Infected 2
Samus, infected by the X Parasites.
The organic components of Samus's Power Suit had become so integrated with her system that it could not be removed... развернуть


Скриншоты и арты

Даты выхода

Nintendo Switch 09.03.2023
Wii U 03.04.2014
Nintendo 3DS 15.12.2011
Game Boy Advance 02.03.2006


Серии игр:


Chinese (Simplified)
Spanish (Spain)
aliens pirates робот эксплоринг (исследование) гравитация space station health metroidvania смерть роботы fire shadow spaceship головоломки action-adventure side-scrolling вода backtracking time limit traps rock space pirate пиксель арт (pixel art) missile easter egg платформер space suit mushroom wall jump цветы one-man army darkness битвы с боссами tree explosion боссы single-player only transformations female protagonists sprite flying enemies vine countdown timer random loot alternate costumes palette swap rope ladder fish female protagonist human mission briefing upgradeable weapons breaking the fourth wall transforming boss bull original soundtrack release non-player character corpse save point ice stage melee underwater gameplay instant kill secret area infinite ammo unbeatable enemy multi-phase boss nonexistent light source self-referential humor subtitled silence inconvenient malfunction rpg elements violent plants scientist villain recurring boss surveillance camera speedrun plot twist super speed completion percentage weapon modification splash damage ambient music fan service scripted events my nintendo falling object slideshow cutscene connectivity foreshadowing hidden room a.i. construct persistent enemy monologue isolation e3 2002 e3 2001 nintendo 3ds ambassador program interactive achievement awards 2003 wii u virtual console fan translation - portuguese nintendo switch online - expansion pack

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