Metrico (2014)
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Metrico (2014)

Дата выхода: 05 августа 2014
Жанры Вид сбоку, Платформер, Головоломка / Квест, Экшен
Платформы Vita

Metrico centers around infographics. It’s an atmospheric puzzle action game with a mindset of its own. The idea was born a few years ago, out of admiration for the beauty of infographics as an art form. It was reinforced by seeing that infographics have become increasingly important in contemporary pop-culture. While they haven’t made their way to videogames yet, Digital Dreams feels it’s a place where they can work exceptionally well. This is not just because of their pretty aesthetics as much... развернуть


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PlayStation Vita 06.08.2014


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