The video game is based on a manga created by Go Nagai. Set in a different universe from the original Mazinger story, the story begins in the year 1999 AD, when God Kaiser Hell began an all-out invasion to control Earth using powerful giants known as 'Bio Beasts'. Mazinger Z in Mazin Saga is actually a suit of armor rather than a robot. This armor has the ability to transform into a giant version of itself, allowing Mazinger Z to battle the Bio Beasts.
Mazinger Z's design in Mazin Saga is a departure from the rest of the Mazingers. Here, Mazinger Z is given an all-blue color rather than black in white like the others. Colored orbs are mounted on Mazinger Z's crown and torso. In many instances, Mazinger Z dons a red cape and its only weapon in combat is a sword, similar to God Mazinger.
The characters from the original Mazinger Z series reprise their roles in Mazin Saga, albeit slightly different from their anime/manga counterparts. Dr. Hell appears in Mazin Sa...