Matchunk (2018)
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Matchunk (2018)

Дата выхода: 10 мая 2018
Жанры Головоломка / Квест
Платформы iOS

The aim of the game is to match two chunks that have identical symbols or lead green dices to the right place. Orange chunks are also moveable, use them when help is needed or to protect dices against lava. Watch out for the red lava, dices burn in it! Blue ground is ice, which is slippery. Pink malicious chunks show a symbol only for a moment, you have to memorize what you just saw. Snow white chunks have to be removed by quick taping on them. The faster you reach the target, the... развернуть

Скриншоты и арты

Даты выхода

iOS 10.05.2018



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