The game takes place in the land of Efferia, where a seemingly endless war has raged between the continent's two species: Humans and Yason. Humans and Yason are similar in appearance, but Yason have lighter skin and differently shaped ears. The protagonist of the game, Calintz, is a high-ranking leader of the Tears of Blood, a mercenary squad hired out by the Human Alliance to deal with problems they cannot, or will not, touch. Since the group is not part of the official army, the mercs are disliked by the Alliance soldiers. The core group also consists of Azel, a youthful sword wielder who looks up to Calintz, Eonis, a powerful mage, and Haren, a martial artist. Save for Azel, all group members have a heavy grudge against the Yason for the deaths of friends and family. The Blast Worms, highly skilled Yason soldiers, are led by the Four Warriors, an elite group who wields great power and magic.