Katamari Damacy Mobile+ (2011)
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Katamari Damacy Mobile+ (2011)

Дата выхода: 17 ноября 2011
Жанры Приключения, От 3-го лица, Головоломка / Квест, Экшен, Комедия
Платформы Android

On November 17, 2011, an Android port of the original Katamari Damacy was released in Japan. There are scarce details outside of those present on Matrixsoft. It's uncertain what changes if any were made when Katamari Damacy Mobile+ was released. It is clear though that game was adapted to work on smartphones.


In Katamari Damacy Mobile, the player controls a highly–adhesive ball called the katamari. The object is to make the katamari as large as possible by running over and collecting objects of increasing size. The more objects players collect, the larger the katamari becomes. Instead of using analog controllers to control the katamari as in the home console Katamari games, players roll the katamari by tilting the phone in the direction they want the katamari to go.

Скриншоты и арты

Даты выхода

Android 17.11.2011



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