Embark on a captivating adventure in Oxygen Cocktail, an open-world visual novel game. Solve puzzles, make friends, and uncover secrets in a charming rural village. Immerse yoursel...
Senjou no Waltz tells the story of village girl Ran, who obtained massive power from a cursed magic sword after losing her parents and hometown. She ended up at an ultranationalist...
A short narrative game about two women dealing with life and death in a post-apocalyptic, dying world.
An otome game aimed to women aged 30 and older. The protagonist is supported by her three female friends during her job and romance troubles.
Kazeiro Surf is a PS2 visual novel, developed and published by Russel, which was released in Japan in 2009
A re-localized English version of the app using the original Japanese character names and unmodified artwork. The original localization was retired in 2018, and Captain's Cut was t...
Communicate with Dana in a messaging app and learn more about your relationship and how it started. Make your own choices to influence the story and decide the future for you and D...
Artemis is a visual novel intended for the adult audience. You begin your road to recovery three years following a traumatic event, where you'll eventually find yourself shaping th...
1000-nen Oukoku is a visual novel from Log where you play as Shou as he is tasked with saving humanity from the end of the world in 1999.