Following an all-new story, Naruto Shippuden: Kizuna Drive pits Naruto and friends against an unseen foe responsible for the disappearance of ninja from Hidden Leaf Village. New ga...
The second game in the Kengo series was released for the PlayStation 2 in Japan on June 27, 2002. It was released in Europe on February 14, 2003 under the title Sword of the Samura...
Pokémon Battle Revolution features three main modes of play: Colosseum Battle Mode, DS Battle Mode, and Wi-Fi Battle Mode. In Colosseum Battle Mode, your goal is to battle your way...
From the studio behind DmC: Devil May Cry and Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice comes Bleeding Edge, a fast and frenetic 4v4 team brawler where every fighter comes mechanically enhanced...
Take control of the most powerful Mobile Suits and lead your forces to victory! It is a portable spin-off of the Extreme Vs. series, developed by Bandai Namco Entertainment for Pla...
Titeuf and his friends are coming back in video games! Help them while they are pretending to be the worst dunces of the school playground in 50 mini-games up to 4 players. The...
The legendary fighting series returns with Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown! Challenge the greatest fighters in the world in the ultimate remaster of the classic 3D fighter, now...
Докажи, что ты величайший фехтовальщик в мире! Участвуйте в тактических боях на мечах 1 на 1, 2 на 2 или в FFA в песочнице, или захватывайте контрольные точки в тактическом слэш-ап...
A typical evening at a local bar erupts into chaos as members of a Special Forces strike team descend through the roof to kidnap a young girl, Dominique. Three bouncers--Sion, Volt...
Fight the best martial arts masters with over 700 precision moves! Unleash hair-trigger punch/kick combos, throws and crushing stomps! Each warrior has a personal fighting style, a...
Бокс в аркадном стиле! Быстрое, отзывчивое управление позволяет вам жестоко обращаться с противником и унижать его за считанные секунды. Драка за все это. Проложите себе путь к вер...
A Touhou derivative top down shooter, focused on duels between various Touhou characters.
Gladiator Begins is developed by GOSHOW for the PSP and is a prequel to Colosseum: Road to Freedom. Create a gladiator and fight for your life in the Roman Colosseum.
Work together or betray each other! Unlock lobby-wide upgrades. Survive a 4-day expedition to reach the final boss. A Multiplayer 3D Platformer with a sprinkle of Roguelike and Bat...
Smash Legends is a thrilling real time 3 vs. 3 action game. Jump right into the battle arenas in the Library World with appealing Legends whenever you want. And it’s free-to-play....
City of the Shroud is a tactical RPG with a twist - battles take place in a real-time, combo-based combat system where you unleash special moves, build powerful combos, and outmane...
WWF In Your House is a successor to WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade Game. Like its predecessor, it is a hybrid of wrestling game and arcade versus fighter, with over-the-top, unrealis...
In Jedi Arena, you have to face an opponent in the arena to see who is the true Jedi master. Wandering throughout the arena is a seeker which is capable of firing laser bolts. To b...
Adversator is a cross platform MOBA - mobile/browser
The Legendary saga is yours! Relive the most epic adventure ever created. Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Collection includes Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm, Naruto Ultimate Nin...
Олдскульный 3D-экшен Beat-Em-Up! Используйте свой ум, реакцию и окружающую среду, чтобы сразиться с безжалостными бандами Головокружительного города!
The second installment in the AoF series added the rage gauge; similar to the spirit system of its predecessor, it limited the use and effectiveness of special attacks. The game's...
150 million years ago, Nature's fury was unleashed, forcing Dinosaurs to fight for their survival. Dive into spectacular battles and deal powerful blows to your worst enemies. Mast...
Brut@l is a modern re-imagining of the classic ASCII dungeon crawler, fusing old-school gaming with a stunning 3D visual style to create something unique for PlayStation®4 and PC!
PowerUp Heroes - это непревзойденный файтинг для всего тела, наполненный суперсилой, для Kinect.
Животные - герои в этом уморительно причудливом зомби-шутере. Слоны с миниганами и ленивцы с огнеметами - это лишь некоторые из сумасшедших комбинаций, доступных для борьбы с нежит...
Anarchy Reigns - многопользовательская онлайн-драка от создателей Bayonetta и Vanquish, PlatinumGames. Действие происходит в постапокалиптическом будущем, это суперсовременный фай...
Astro Universe is a futuristic survival game where you have to visit and explore other planets! If you want, you can even make these planets habitable with the most modern technolo...