The game is centered around a top-secret espionage agency operating out of an abandoned subway station in late 1950's Japan. The player takes the role of Polyblank, a silent protagonist. The game begins when Polyblank is mailed to the espionage agency in a human-shaped suitcase. He is then given several missions by the head of the organization, all of which begin by ingesting a dose of prescription medicine and which end with the protagonist sitting on a bench in a Zen garden, feeding breadcrumbs to Koi fish. The missions assigned to Polyblank are almost always bizarre and nonsensical, relying heavily on free association and references to older movies and video games. Tasks include degaussing and smuggling pigeons, assassinating cowboys, cross-dressing, killing a pig with a six-string guitar, and photocopying Polyblank's bottom to fool a security scanner.
The first mission begins with Polyblank having to infiltrate a Soviet consulate to recover a data cartridge, the second to go...