In the post-apocalyptic remnants of an far advanced alien civilization, an orphaned outcast named Inayah sets out on a perilous journey to find her tribe. Guided by the spirit of her deceased mentor, she navigates a divided world, forging bonds and uncovering secrets that redefine the meaning of family. Experience an emotionally charged adventure where every decision shapes Inayah's destiny.
INAYAH – Live After Gods takes place in massive, self-sufficient towers called arcologies, constructed on a post-apocalyptic Earth by an alien race known as the Forerunners. The Forerunners, defeated in an interstellar war, sought refuge on Earth to rebuild their forces and exact revenge using humanity, their ancient creation. However, they arrived to find a ravaged world. Undeterred, the Forerunners built the arcologies, resurrected humanity through cloning, and created a haven within the towers.
Driven by their need for an army, the Forerunners accelerated human evoluti...