The game centers on a television reality show titled "Dream of Dream", set within a desolate old mansion named the "House of Seven Moons", where a central idol is set to be chosen from the members of popular idol group "Project 47". According to the game, "Project 47" is named after the 47 prefectures of Japan, and within the game's world is the largest and popular idol group in the country; the "Dream of Dream" contest is broadcast throughout Japan.[1] The "Dream of Dream" event happens once a year, with the game's premise being the tenth reiteration. However, it is a lot different from usual, as lower-ranked idols are also included and no script was given; thus, the selection standards and how the winner is chosen remains unknown. Within "Project 47" are seven different teams, such as "Team Happy" (representing Kanto), "Team Smile" (representing Kansai), "Team Passion" (representing Kyushu) and "Team Rising" (representing both Hokkaido and Tohoku); amounting in total to over 200 cont...