Dwellink is a dark fantasy creature collector RPG, set in a universe under siege. The Great Link opened portals connecting the Nine Worlds of Kohara, allowing ferocious Dwellers to...
The War of Genesis: Battle of Antaria is a war strategy game with an RPG aesthetic, where you collect heroes and discover their stories. Players are encouraged to collect heroes of...
An Unexpected Caller is a group hack using the Telephone format, seen previously in Call of the Armor, Bells of Byelen, and Embers Entwined. Those hacks stand out in large part due...
Make your way through lots of adventures in this multiplayer 3D platform game! Explore, jump, compete, fight other players and have fun your own way, with friends or by yourself. M...
Evotinction is a third-person stealth game featuring unique hacking mechanics. The developers share an enormous passion for the stealth genre and wish to provide a complex and dyna...
Home consoles version of The Sims.
The next chapter in the Disgaea saga. In Disgaea 7, the story is set in a world called Hinomoto Netherworld Cluster, which is inspired by Japanese culture.
Grab your cards, it's time to swap! Battle your school pals in this roguelite deckbuilder where you'll trade for new cards when you win defeat them and rip open booster packs looki...
You will have to survive zombies and mysterious creatures in a fantasy world, in which you find your lost brother, while you will level up and you will have 2 weapons with you thro...
Single player Fantasy RPG that is a turn based game designed to have older games functions with modern graphics.