Set in a series of small Netherworlds collectively known as Hinomoto, a world that mimics the stylings of Ancient Japan during its transition between the Edo period (1603-1868) and the Meiji restoration (1868-1912). The plot and stylings are heavily inspired by the clashing cultures of the two period of japanese history and both parody and reflect the changing attitudes and behaviours of the times.
The plot starts with end of the age of warriors following the military take-over of the Shogunate by a demon known as Demmodore Opener, following his victory over the strongest warrior of the time, Mugai Zesshosai and his followers. The story follows the intertwining stories of both Fuji, a former apprentice of Mugai and now wandering warrior, whose story is made to mirror the view of a Samurai of the time with the collapse of their culture and relevance in it; and Pirilika, an Otaku for Hinomoto culture who arrives in just in time to watch the culture she had come to idolise fr...