After Ahmed receives an unexpected offer from the "Gino Zoll" organization, he finds himself forced to accept a dangerous mission to collect a group of hidden items in an abandoned high school in Al-Shorouk Governorate, a remote area filled with mystery in the Saudi desert. This school was the center of a group of secret genetic experiments, and the mysterious past left its traces on the place, creating a terrifying atmosphere that is merciless to anyone who tries to approach.
The game begins when Ahmed signs a secret contract, dictating that he must accept the dangerous consequences of this mission. The player embarks on a dangerous adventure, where he must navigate the dark and scary corridors of the school, while being ambushed by terrifying monsters that inhabit this place. Each step represents a new challenge, and with each progress, Ahmed uncovers mysterious secrets that link genetic experiments conducted in the past to threats that threaten the present and future.