Hearthstone: Whizbang's Workshop (2024)
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DLC Hearthstone: Whizbang's Workshop (2024)

Дата выхода: 20 марта 2024
Жанры Фэнтези, Стратегия, ТБС, Card & Board Game, Мультиплеер
Платформы PC, Android, iOS

The genius inventor and toymaker, Whizbang, has opened the doors of his workshop to the public! He’s got plushies, action figures, wind-up toys, Miniatures, and more. Find your new favorite toy, or build it yourself, here in Whizbang’s Workshop!


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Даты выхода

PC (Microsoft Windows) 20.03.2024
Android 20.03.2024
iOS 20.03.2024


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